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How to Get a Boyfriend

Make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend- It's pointless to go after someone who is already in a relationship! Also, beware that if he just went through a break up, he might just be on rebound.
Smile. When he is looking at you just smile and he will do it right back. Humans respond to smiles intensely and immediately and when directing one towards a man of your choice he'll get a powerful non-verbal message that you're nice and approachable. Consider this your "First Move". Even if you've never spoken before he'll be compelled to notice and eventually say hello to you if you keep that eye contact and smile.

Be approachable. This is especially important if he's the kind of guy who's used to having girls approach him. It's imperative that you be different because you'll stand out more. Do nothing at first but lock eyes, smile, and turn your attention elsewhere or keep walking. Be disciplined and wise enough to know that if you give in to your physical attraction and pursue him before he's had to invest any amount of time (not just the time between the beginning and end of the party) getting to know you, then you lose.
Engage him to talk. He won't know that you're great unless you've aroused his desire to know. It's ineffective to blab on about every detail about yourself because you'll leave him with nothing to be curious about!
As a female, you have a significantly larger language center in your brain than a male and are thus innately masterful at nuanced language. A male's use of language is very simple, to the point, and straight forward which is why they become so frustrated that women read into their statements to search for underlying meaning, but it's what women do naturally.
Instead of using your natural language skills to frustrate a guy, use them to create a mystique about yourself by being selective about what information you give him so that he has to ask questions and wonder about you; be a puzzle that he'll want to spend time figuring out. This doesn't mean you have to pretend to be more deep or interesting than you are, but it does mean that you have to have hobbies, goals, and opinions you can talk about in an interesting way.
Try to become friends. Most guys tend to date girls that they have more with than just the 'relationship' stuff. Being close friends with him makes it easier for you to interact with him, and harder for him to say no once you tell him.
Found out who he's interested in. It would suck to chase after this guy just to find he likes somebody else already. Make sure that he either likes no one (because then you have to chance to make him fall for you) or that he likes you, which he probably won't tell you anyways.
Show him that you would be a good fit for him. You can do this by sharing common interests such as certain music, by being flirty and cute but not over doing it, but showing him that you can be a laid back friend too if he needs one as well. Guys tend to like girls who are feminine but chill.
Reveal tidbits about yourself while telling anecdotal story. Let's say you do theater or play music. Instead of revealing that outright when you've just met a guy, say something like : "On the way to a rehearsal yesterday I saw this guy who blah blah etc etc" If the guy is listening he should be prompted to ask "what kind of rehearsal?".
Withhold info about yourself until he has to ask for it and starts to get drawn in by curiosity.
If you like him, don't reject him! Don't get shy and chicken out or he'll move on.
Make him feel important. Guys seek status to satisfy their ego and as a female a male's perception of your status is vital to how much he values you because in a way it reflects his own status. Effective use of rejection elevates your status in a guys eyes because It's a psychological fact that when rejected or denied something the source of the rejection appears "better" and thus more desirable.
Don't criticize him harshly. The art in doing this is to making casual and playfully critical statements without being too harsh and hurtful. The key is to make him laugh with your terse and pity put downs so that he'll see you as not only fun but someone he has to work to impress, making you a fun challenge.
If he makes a bad joke, don't giggle like a passive little girl, find a way to turn it on him or tell him flat out "that was a bad joke". If he says something you don't care for say flat out "I don't care" , but make sure it's in a way that will sting just a little and not too much. Also never be afraid of being brutally honest about your likes and dislikes. It adds to his vision of you as a fully developed and interesting person with high standards.
Allow some time away from him. It's very true that absence makes the heart grow fonder; and when you tell the guy you're interested in that you can't hang during a particular time because you have to spend it with just your friends then you not only keep your friendships strong, but you subtly let him know that your time is precious and spark an urge in him to figure out how and when he can get close to you again. Give him the necessary space he needs to dream about you because you are indeed a dream girl.
Just be yourself. If you're not, then how else would you know if he likes you or not for who you are. If you are pretending to be something you are not you will feel uncomfortable every time you are around him and that is the last thing you would like to happen. If you are uncomfortable around him it would probably be hard to talk to him and if you can't talk to him it will be hard to keep a relationship.
Try to laugh a lot. Not so much that he finds you annoying, but if he can see your silly side, he may realize and uncover your true self.
Show him you care. Show him that you are interested in what he says and does, but if you really aren't interested, be blunt about it.
Be outgoing and unpredictable. It leaves him wanting to know what's next.
Copy some of his actions or phrases. Like if he has a certain move in soccer try it next time he's around or if he says "Let's do this!" quite a bit say it every so often.
Realize how beautiful you are.
Be yourself around him, don't act like someone you aren't. If you do this, he might get the idea you aren't comfortable with yourself. If you aren't comfortable with you, how can he be comfortable with you?
You should never ever lie to him, be honest to him at all times. Trust is key to start a good relationship. Let him know he can trust you!
Try to hang out at the same places where he is.
stand up for him, there may be people out there who like to make fun of him, look after him like a true friend. boys like girls who are kind and cute and look after them.

Remember to be yourself through every step, if he likes you then don't approach him give him time to someone who isn't the real you then when the illusion is shattered he won't be interested in the same way. Embrace your quirks and your weirdness because people respect others who aren't afraid to be themselves even if they're a little odd; it shows confidence and strength which is always attractive.
You want to know him well before you ask him out, or even hint to him that you like him. Take something from here like laughing alot, and laugh around him, then say "This is stupid, sorry for laughing so much it's just the article said how to get a boyfriend so I tried" then smile, but do not attempt this unless you know he likes you
Ask him out yourself, don't get your friends to ask him out for you. If you dont have the nerve to ask him out, everything else in your relationship probably would be awkward too.. and it's a turnoff to see a girl who isn't confident and talks through her friends.
Never use sex, kissing, hand jobs, blow jobs or whatever as a means of getting a guy to like you because it won't work. He'll take the sexual act from you and move unless you've inspired him to want what's in your heart first. Hold out on sexual acts for a good amount of time until you're certain he's sincere about you.
Appearance isn't everything, the hottest guy isn't necessarily the nicest guy but if you follow the tips outlined then you can have even the hottest guy pursuing you.
Don't be pressured into a relationship. If you feel threatened or pushed to do things you don't want to, end your relationship, no one has the right to make you feel that way.
Relax! Don't stress over it. Just have fun!
Don't gossip about other girls to him; guys hate that. It will bore him and also even annoy him.
Remember, all boys are different, so choose the one that you think has a nice personality and can make you happy. It's usually the nice, quiet, geeky guys who make the best boyfriends. Since they don't have too much luck with girls they'll really value the one who gave them a chance.
If/when you tell him you like him, don't forget to be positive! He may either be totally into you or maybe not. The best way to know if he likes you is not by what he says but what he DOES. If he has he been consistent and persistent in getting close to you then he likes you! If he ignores you, doesn't call when he says he will or isn't physically or verbally affectionate then he's not that into you, even if he's generally polite and thinks you are a nice person. It's possible to like someone as a person but not have the desire to be with them.
Be the thing he can't have in the beginning. Then slowly make time for him. At first, be unavailable. That makes you a challenge!
slowly begin to flirt phiscly when you make a funny comment to him etc the pat him on the back keep working on it and eventually kiss him

Never do something you'll regret later on.
Looking for a boyfriend just because you feel insecure (i.e. you want to look good with someone by your side, all of your friends have boyfriends, you just like being liked, etc.) is a recipe for a broken heart and wasted time. This could really hurt the guy who becomes your boyfriend.
Don't get upset if a relationship doesn't work out! There are plenty of nice guys out there that would be perfect for you!
Don't let him get you down. If he is trying to change you, break up with him. He obviously doesn't like you for you if he is trying to change you.
Try to be outgoing and unpredictable. Guys like that because it leaves them wanting to know what's coming next (meow!)
Never hang out with other guys that might end up sending the wrong message to the guy you like.
Do not only talk to him over text/ facebook/ AIM. The key to any relationship is communication and without it you're lost. Guys like when girls talk to them one on one.
If you realize that he is trying to make another girl jealous, it would be a complete waste of time to be with him
Don't be or look desperate it will just throw him off
If all he talks about is sports or himself don't be with him because he is hot or the more popular girls admire him and it will make you look good, he will realize that you really don't like him and leave you with a broken heart
Please don't act snitty or snobby, or he won't like you. You might see other girls doing that, but that's not why they like them. It's either because of his body or something of the sort. If it's not that, he is a plain old jerk; so, just move on.
Do not say the word "like" all the time: it will make you sound "like" really strange, "like" you are "like" an airhead or something; "like" you walk/crash into "like" doors at the mall... Enough said !
The guy should like you for you, not because you look pretty and you have loads of friends. He should like your for your personality and the way you treat him.
Things You'll Need
A good group of friends to support you in your new relationship
To be looking good at all times and smelling good too.
Never stay in a relationship, when you feel you are in danger or you feel you are being Sexually assaulted or abused!

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